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Central Pennsylvania College

“The Partnership for Career Development providesSteve Hassinger opportunities for students, educators, and employers to connect with one another. Central Penn's involvement with The Partnership is mutually beneficial!” 

 — Steve Hassinger


Since 1881, Central Pennsylvania College has remained committed to providing a hands-on education in a real-world setting. As a career-oriented college, Central Penn connects students to their professional goals through high-quality, experiential learning, personal attention, advanced technology and partnerships with employers and the community. Central Penn is a residential college that offers bachelor’s and associate degrees.

Central Pennsylvania College believes in the importance of career development. At Central Penn, we connect students to their professional goals through high-quality, experiential learning, personal attention, advanced technology and partnerships with employers and the community. The Partnership for Career Development provides opportunities for students, educators, and employers to make similar connections. Thus, our involvement with The Partnership for Career Development is mutually beneficial!

HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College  

Established on February 14, 1964 as Harrisburg Area Community College, HACC is devoted to the community and the individual. HACC's devotion to the community stems directly from our mission, which is to foster educational, cultural, work force development, and economic growth of the college service areas. The vehicle by which we do this is to give each of our students (the individuals) the tools and environment to develop his or her own unique potential. This creates an aura by which the communities HACC serves and each individual in those communities can benefit. As careers depend more and more upon the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, adults seek courses and programs to better prepare themselves, obtaining the skills and knowledge that will lead them to lucrative careers and high-demand employment opportunities.

The activities and services of the Capital Region Partnership for Career Development mesh nicely with the vision of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College by providing a linkage for education and career exploration and development.  We at HACC value the opportunity to collaborate with PCD and the Partnership's members so that young people can make informed decisions about their future and take advantage of HACC's educational resources that meet their career goals.

Our work: The Partnership for Career Development works to build a system of K-12 career education, increase awareness of post secondary training and education opportunities, and strengthen workforce development in the Pennsylvania Capital Region.

55 Miller Street, Enola, PA 17025-1640
Tel.: (717) 732-8480
Fax: (717) 732-8414